Courses & Events
Find all of my available courses for individuals, as well as upcoming events, below. If you're a practitioner, consider checking out the courses under "For Health Professionals" in the navigation area of my site instead.
Not sure which course is right for you? Read this.
Upcoming Events

Return to Nature 2025
June 26-27, 2025
In-Person Retreat
Franklin, Tennessee, USA
Join me in person for a unique retreat that will blend the wisdom of nature with the cutting-edge science of circadian and quantum biology, offering attendees an unforgettable healing and wellness experience. Through hands-on learning and immersive activities in a gorgeous setting, you'll learn how to use simple, nature-based health practices to unlock rapid healing and optimal well-being.

2025 Spring Reset Challenge
Starts Thursday, March 20
Are you someone who fears the sun? Think that burning in intense sunlight is inevitable? Do you tend to cover every inch of skin with sunscreen or clothing? Or stay indoors when the sun gets brighter?
Well, despite everything you've ever been taught to fear about the sun, you CAN learn to stop misusing it and instead utilize spring to prepare your skin, eyes, and entire body for the more intense light and heat of summer.
Note: You must sign up before the challenge begins; it will not be for sale after March 20!
Course Bundle

The Everything Bundle
Decision fatigue? Or just want to buy everything at once? You can purchase all of my existing Public courses here without having to buy them individually below.
Cost: $325+
Signature Courses

The Circadian Reset
Use Light to Heal
It all starts with light. The foundation of healing, this is where I recommend everyone begin. From the importance of early morning light, to how to build your tolerance to mid-day sun for Vitamin D production, to how to appropriately block light at night, and so much more, you’ll learn exactly how to achieve proper light signaling to improve your health.
Cost: $25+

The Voltage Reset
Hydrate and Charge with Water & Electrons
Your body is a battery made of water. Just like any battery, it needs to be “charged” regularly. It can be said that the amount of “charge” or “voltage” in your body at any given time is the true measure of your current health. So, how do humans build charge, what things drain our charge, and what is true hydration beyond guzzling lots of water? You’ll learn all about it in this vital course.
Cost: $25+

The Mitochondrial Reset
Build Your Redox Potential & Lower Inflammation
Mitochondria are our “environmental sensors,” constantly picking up on internal and external signals. If your mitochondria are dysfunctional, you’ve likely already been diagnosed with a disease or on your way to a diagnosis. This course will help you transform from having sick, dysfunctional cells to thriving cells with healthy voltage and optimum biophoton signaling for what you need to heal.
Cost: $25+

The Adrenal Fatigue Fix
An Adrenal Repair Toolkit
Struggle with low energy? Hard to get out of bed each day? Adrenal fatigue can make it hard to move, much less flourish. This course will help you learn how to go from burnt out and barely functioning to the thriving version of yourself.
Cost:Â $25+

Gut Health Masterclass
Suffer from SIBO? Leaky gut? Constipation or diarrhea? Food sensitivities or intolerances? Low stomach acid or acid reflux issues? Gas and bloating? Skin issues or even graying hair? Tried everything and still suffer? You might want to learn how to use quantum and circadian principles to finally repair your gut.
Cost: $25+

EZ Water Masterclass
Did you know the water in your body is more of a "liquid crystal" and that ensuring optimal EZ water levels is crucial for cellular energy and overall health? In this masterclass, learn the signs and symptoms of low EZ water—like poor HRV score, high stress, poor sleep, and chronic inflammation—and strategies to improve it.
Cost: $25+

Hydration Masterclass
Explore the healing power of water, including historical and Indigenous views of water, modern research on water's memory and reflection of consciousness, and the concept of structured water and its benefits for hydration. We'll also cover the importance of structured water for optimal hydration and its role in health.
Cost: $25+

Quantum Connective Tissue Masterclass
You may already be familiar with "fascia," the remarkable connective tissue that envelops most of the structures in your body. But did you realize that this "living matrix" or liquid crystal possesses the quantum properties of a superconductor, acting as a vital communication and energy network within your body? And that this has enormous implications for your health? Learn all about it in this deep-dive masterclass.
Cost: $25+
Webinar Replays

Redefining Cancer: A New Paradigm Beyond Genetic Destiny
Feel like you're simply a statistic waiting to happen, the product of “bad genetics,” family history, or poor life circumstances when it comes to cancer? It doesn’t have to be this way. Join me for this live two-hour webinar, where I'll teach you alternative ways to look at cancer and cancer prevention, rooted in quantum and circadian health paradigms.
Cost: $25+

Heal Your Thyroid
Whether you struggle with hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's, hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodules, or just want to learn how to keep your thyroid functioning well, purchase this three-hour replay to learn quantum strategies for thyroid health—ones you've likely never heard before.
Cost: $25+

Quantum Strategies for Anxiety & Depression
Anxiety and depression are all too common these days, especially in younger people. But key support strategies involving light, nature, breath, nnEMFs, artificial light, and more can be very empowering for you if you suffer from these conditions. Learn how you can use quantum health to support your mental health journey.
Cost: $25+

Taking Advantage of Winter for Better Health
Did you know that winter is when our bodies are designed to run amazing healing programs? But that most of us miss out on this by turning winter into "perpetual summer"? In this two-hour webinar, learn how to turn winter into a prime healing opportunity—especially for your mitochondria—by using the principles of cold, dark, scarcity, and infrared light.
Cost: $25+

Shifting Quantum Habits with the Seasons
We have a seasonal rhythm called our infradian rhythm. We can use this rhythm to change our habits with the seasons to support our health, mitochondria, circadian rhythm, and metabolism. Learn how to implement quantum habits at key times of the year, why local and seasonal eating supports your mitochondria, and how to use seasonal changes for gut health, brain function, metabolism, and more.
Cost: $25+
Offerings I Co-Host with Others
Note that these courses are NOT available to pay what you choose, as they are—as labeled—co-hosted with other businesses.

Applied Quantum Biology Program
New Cohorts Begin Quasi-Quarterly
A six-week official certification program through the Quantum Biology Collective for health practitioners of all kinds so they can learn the scientific foundations of quantum biology—light, water, magnetism, & mitochondria—and how to apply these principles in their current practice to help clients see greater health results than ever. Carrie is the lead faculty member for the program.

Quantum Fertility On-Demand
A six-week course co-taught by Carrie and Sarah Kleiner to help both individuals and practitioners learn how to implement circadian rhythms, support mitochondria, and understand leptin signaling and resistance in order to maximize their or their clients' chances of getting pregnant. Six self-led lessons available for purchase at any time. If you're looking to join a live cohort, our next one will be in late 2023 or early 2024.
Carrie B. Wellness
Helping you live quantum-ly.
For Individuals
2025 Retreat
For Health Professionals
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