How to Improve Mitochondrial Function via Better Electron Tunneling
Jan 12, 2022
Mitochondrial health leads to appropriate biophoton signaling and optimum cellular energy, which creates a state of quantum coherence, a.k.a. thriving health.
Mitochondria have optimized biophoton signaling when the electron transport chain (ETC) proteins are perfectly spaced for electron tunneling.
Electrons only like to tunnel ("jump") so far. If the distance to jump becomes too great, electrons get lost.
Lost electrons do not become water or make ATP and instead become ROS inflammation.
What causes the spread?
- Poor circadian rhythm
- Artificial blue light
- nnEMFs
- Lack of EZ water and IR/UV light
- Excessive nitric oxide (the inducible one) from chronic infections like Lyme, mold, EBV
- Reduced oxygen flow
What restores it?
- Melatonin (via morning light through the eyes and darkness at night and via IR light all day long- not the supplement): this hormone is responsible for controlling the spacing between the ETC proteins
- Infrared (IR) production in the mitochondria via cold thermogenesis: when the body gets cold, mitochondria make more IR heat which structures the water around the ETC proteins and pulls them back into the correct spacing
- Other sources of IR: sunlight, sauna, panels, etc.
- Cold thermogenesis also increases cardiolipin on the inner mitochondrial membrane, which helps mitochondria retain its folds and shape to lock the ETC proteins in place.
- Earthing: pulls in free electrons through the water network of the body and strengthens the magnetic current of protons through Step 5 of the ETC
- DHA: brings more electrons to the mitochondria via their storage at the membranes
- Red light frequencies: displaces nitric oxide to allow the flow of electrons through Step 4 to make intracellular water
- High oxygen tension: nose breathing without over-breathing: allows adequate oxygen delivery to the mitochondria
- Nature: EMFs from nature create coherent messages. Manmade EMFs create chaos
- Methylene Blue: acts as an electron donor when ETC proteins are broken
Mitochondria fix themselves through the things mentioned here and also through autophagy (dependent on melatonin and high-quality sleep).