Everything you need to start radically shifting your health using basic circadian and quantum principles—right now.
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- 3 Video Lessons on Light:
So powerful that this info alone can drastically improve your health...- Natural Light vs. Junk Light
- See Sunrise
- See UVA
- Quantum Health FAQs:
- An 11-page PDF with answers to most early circadian & quantum biology questions.
- Free Product Recommendations:
- My vetted product list with free discount codes.
- Blue Blocker 101 Video:
- Why & How to Use Blue-Blocking Glasses
- Ideal Quantum Morning Guide:
- 4 Steps to Radically Shift Your Health Each Morning
- 4 Steps to Radically Shift Your Health Each Morning
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Hi, I'm Carrie.
I had health issues since college, but everything got significantly worse after the birth of my first child. Even after getting trained and certified in many health disciplines, I still couldn't seem to solve anything. I started to think I'd have to just settle for a lifetime of pain, low energy, bad sleep, and inflammation.
Until I came across quantum biology. It was mind-boggling to me that no one had ever told me about my light environment before or what electrons and water have to do with our health—especially because they're so simple, inexpensive, and widely available in something we so often overlook: Nature. Nature, in the form of light, water, electrons, and mitochondria, changed my life. And once I started to teach all of this information to others, it started to change their lives, too.