Learn to Thrive in Winter in Just 15 Days!

The 15-Day PREP FOR WINTER Challenge
with Carrie Bennett

  • 15 Days
  • 15 Video Lessons via Email
  • 15 Steps Closer to Using Winter for Better Health

Tend to hate winter? Feel like you barely endure several months each year when it gets cold and dark? Does it feel like your health suffers because of it?

Well, despite everything you've ever felt about winter, you CAN change all of that by turning on some MASSIVE healing repair programs in your body like never before.

Join the Challenge & Learn How!

Sign-Up Ends In:









The 15-Day Prep for Winter Challenge officially begins on

Sunday, September 22, 2024 (The Fall Equinox)

Once it begins, you can no longer purchase access to the 15 lessons.

Why Should You Learn to Love Winter?

While most people tend to loathe and avoid the effects of winter at all costs—blasting the heat in their homes, keeping indoor lights on constantly, never going outside, eating and working out the same as they might in warmer months, and more—winter is actually meant to be a time of profound healing and repair if you learn to use it appropriately.

So, here's what I'll teach you over 15 days:

  • The Science of Why Winter is So Healing
  • How to Block Artificial Light to Maximize Healing Melatonin
  • Circadian-Friendly Indoor Lighting for Winter
  • Why a Dark Sleep Space is Essential + Two Convenient Ways to Create One
  • Why I Reduce My Exercise Intensity in the Winter
  • Using Intermittent Fasting to Your Advantage in the Winter (& How to Do it WITHOUT Stressing Your Body or Circadian Rhythm)
  • Cold Part 1: How the Ambient Air Temperature Heals Mitochondria and Brain Fog
  • Cold Part 2: Using Cold Face Plunges for Nervous System Support and Better Sleep
  • Cold Part 3: Ready for a Full Body Plunge? 3 Key Ways a Full-Body Plunge Heals Your Body
  • Reversing SAD Naturally
  • Why Red Light Therapy is So Supportive in the Winter
  • Using Sauna/Heat to Charge Your Body’s Water Battery
  • Cycling Ketosis for Mitochondrial Support and Lowered Inflammation
  • Earthing in Winter: Ways to Stay Connected to Earth’s Healing Energy Flow, Even in the Cold and Snow
  • Your Complete Guide to Staying Hydrated in the Winter


Pay What You Choose!

($15 Minimum)

What You'll Get:

  • 15 bite-sized video lessons (about 5-15 minutes each)
  • Videos delivered to your inbox (with a link to watch on YouTube)
  • After the challenge ends, you'll have access to all of the video lessons on my site, for life
  • Access to our LIVE CLOSING Q&A call on Zoom—ask me any questions that came up for you while watching or anything I didn't address in the video series about using winter to heal!

This is a limited-time offer!
You can only participate in the challenge (and therefore get access to the lessons) this year if you sign up BEFORE the challenge begins on September 22, 2024. After that, it won't be available again until the same time next year!



Join Now

Get 15 days of quick lessons that will help you learn the easy, practical, and free or inexpensive steps you can take all winter long so that, come spring, you’ll be in a rejuvenated and healed state.

Sign Up for the Challenge