Fall 2024 Cohort Registration

Installment Payments

I'm so excited you'd like to join my Practitioner Mentorship Program, a 10-week group cohort for individuals ready to take your quantum and circadian biology knowledge from the classroom (learning through my on-demand trainings or the certification program) into real life—actually working with clients. Like going from med school to residency, but for quantum health.

This cohort will officially begin on:
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

To Qualify:

Remember, you must have done AT LEAST one of these three things in order to qualify to join the mentorship program—

  1. Graduated from the Applied Quantum Biology certification program, offered through the Institute of Applied Quantum Biology
  2. Be in the current cohort of the certification program
  3. Or, have completed and are well-versed* in at LEAST the first three modules of my Practitioner Pyramid trainings (or have done so by the time the cohort begins in mid-September). Remember, you'll receive these modules (as well as the other two in my Practitioner Pyramid) upon registration/purchase here.
    1. Light
    2. Water
    3. and Mitochondria

Please indicate which you've done when checking out on this page. If you register for the mentorship and it becomes clear that you haven't done one of these things and/or you do not have sufficient foundational quantum and circadian knowledge, you will be asked to leave the program and only half of the cost of the program will be refunded to you.

See the "Terms and Conditions" box on this page for full details.

* Well-versed means that you've both watched most of the content in the three modules AND feel like you grasp the material enough to be in dialogue with a community of peers about the information. The reason you're all here is to ask further questions, of course—especially about how to apply the concepts in clinical practice—but I expect you to know the concepts fairly well.

So, please be sure! Email me and my team if you have any questions or concerns: [email protected].

To Officially Register:
You have two options to pay—

  1. Pay in installments (check out on this page; the one you're currently on).
  2. Or, pay in full here.

And please note:

  • Registration will CLOSE as of September 18, 2024, when the cohort begins.
  • The cohort will be CAPPED at 30 total participants.
  • Payment is required to secure your spot. If you wait and end up paying after we've reached 30 paid participants, your payment will be refunded, and you WILL be asked to join a future cohort instead. So, please make sure to get paid up in order to secure your spot!

After You Register Here:
You'll receive a welcome email once your payment is complete, indicating you're officially in the program and giving you full details about resources you can begin accessing immediately and what to expect next, including our first call.


To be reminded of the full details of the mentorship program, please visit this page. Make sure to check out the FAQ section there first. If you still have questions, please email me and my team at [email protected].

$867.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Please make sure you're ready to commit before registering! If you decide to cancel after the program has already started OR we determine it's clear you're not well-versed in the first three topics of my Practitioner Pyramid (Light, Water, and Mitochondria), you will only be refunded HALF of the full program cost. Not half of what you've paid so far (for those of you who pay in installment payments), but half of the TOTAL cost of the program, as follows:

If you registered by the early-bird deadline, you will be refunded:

  • $1,000 total if you paid in full
  • OR half of each of your three installment payments, after they occur:
    • $350 after you cancel
    • $350 more after your 2nd installment payment
    • The final $350 after your 3rd installment payment

If you registered after the early-bird deadline, you will be refunded:

  • $1,250 if you paid in full
  • OR half of each of your three installment payments, after they occur:
    • $433.50 after you cancel
    • $433.50 more after your 2nd installment payment
    • The final $433.50 after your 3rd installment payment

I cannot hold your existing payments for a future cohort. So, if you'd like to cancel after the program begins and then join another future cohort, you will still be refunded (per the guidelines above) for this cohort and asked to then pay again whenever you decide to register in the future.

At the time you cancel, you will also lose immediate access to all program resources. This includes everything in Searchie (all weekly cohort call replays, supplemental bonus materials, etc.), and my online community (Living Quantum-ly). If you had not previously purchased the Practitioner Pyramid prior to registering for the cohort, you will also lose access to all Practitioner Pyramid lessons. These are "pay-what-you-choose" anyway, so you may always go back and purchase them separately.

If you have ANY questions, please email me and my team at [email protected]!

Otherwise, my standard agreements also apply to purchase:
Terms of Service
Privacy Policy