Practitioner Pyramid—Module 5: Optimizing Key Aspects of Metabolic Health

Cost for this training is self-determined. Before switching to this model of pricing, the estimated value was $297. If that seems too high or too low for you, you may choose another amount. If your budget is genuinely tight, please choose less with my sincere blessing. If you feel affluent, consider paying above this amount as a way to "pay it forward" to others who can't afford to pay full price while expressing your gratitude to me for this offering. Please also consider that these trainings are a tax write-off for your business when determining what to pay, as well as the typical cost of professional trainings of this sort (around $1,500 for all modules together). I trust you to choose the amount that feels right and fair, that represents a real commitment, and that respects your financial circumstances. After you've purchased, if you feel so compelled, you may always come back to offer me a tip, but it is neither expected nor required.


Discussion around metabolism in the modern world most often revolves around "calories in, calories out," glucose, and ketones. While these may play a role in understanding metabolism, they completely ignore the primary role of things like circadian signaling and leptin, our master hormone that signals our body's energy status. Doing so keeps our clients from truly healing from metabolic dysfunction. Since leptin issues occur before insulin issues, leptin issues tend to be precursors to challenges with energy metabolism, mood, and infertility. That being the case, this module will teach you how to track and optimize leptin in clinical practice, along with key strategies to coach appropriate leptin signaling—and therefore healthy metabolism—in your clients, along with other approaches to optimize fat burning, such as healthy circadian fasting.

Module 5 Includes:
Lifetime access to all lessons, hosted on my Kajabi site (accessible via a browser on your computer or the Kajabi mobile app):

  1.  A Clinician’s Guide to Leptin: Energy Balance for Healing, Fertility, & Metabolic Health (1 hr 15 mins)
  2.  Sunlight and Metabolism (16 mins)
  3.  How Artificial Light at Night Drives Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, and Diabetes (14 mins)
  4.  Circadian-Friendly Fasting (17 mins)
  5.  Coaching the Body to Burn Fat (20 mins)

In total, nearly 2.5 hours of lecture content.

Additional Features:
All module lessons also have accessibility and learning needs built in:

  • All video lessons are fully searchable by keyword/topic. Open any video, pull up the search feature, and search. Once you do, you can hop straight to any point in a video where I've mentioned that search term, saving you from watching full videos or frustratingly hunting for where something was mentioned by using the video "scrub" bar alone.
  • Your progress will be saved in any lesson you watch, so there is no need to remember where you left off.
  • All lessons include English video captions you can turn off/on.
  • Any lessons where I use presentation slides include downloadable PDF versions of my slide deck.
  • All lessons include a downloadable .mp3 audio file if you want to listen rather than watch.
  • All lessons include downloadable English transcripts in .txt format, though they are currently unedited for spelling, grammar, or transcription accuracy.
  • Depending on your learning needs, all video lessons can be slowed down to as low as .5x speed or up to 2x speed in .25x increments.

First, check out the FAQ section on my site about all these trainings. If your question isn't answered there, please email me and my team at [email protected]!

Cost: Self-Determined